Tag Archives: campus handyman

Know What Items Are Prohibited From Your Porches, Yards, Balconies & Roofs

Like it or not, the City of Columbus residential zoning code prohibits certain items from certain places in and around your home. This includes the porches, decks, balconies, roofs & yards at your rental properties and the home you live in.

At no time are you or your tenants allowed to have any of the following items in any of the aforementioned areas:

>Upholstered furniture (including mattresses & similar) and other similar products not designed, built and manufactured for outdoor use


>Household appliances

>Junk or salvage

>Construction equipment, lumber & building materials

>Cars, car parts & tires 

>Boats, RVs, Jet skis, airplanes.

Turnover For Off Campus Houses At Ohio State Is Just 2 Weeks Away!

As you know, it's never too early to prepare for the move-in and move-out season, commonly known as 'Turnover' at The Ohio State University.

Don't look now, but it's already July 15th! Most move-outs begin in just 16 days and move-ins begin shortly after that.

If you need help with your rental real estate, do not hesitate to contact Campus Handyman. We are Columbus' #1 investment property maintenance provider and we help landlords like you every day!

The Ohio State University.