Tag Archives: columbus

Columbus Issues 50 & 51 VOTE NO!!

When you vote on Tuesday November 5, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio, be sure to VOTE NO on Issue 50 & Issue 51.  These issues are trying to unfairly send millions of homeowner dollars to the Columbus Public Schools. Voting NO isn't a vote against schools, it's simply a vote against wasteful, greedy spending. It's a tax on home ownership and it hurts both landlords and tenants. Get involved here. Spread the word to your tenants, friends, family, co-workers and anyone who will listen. Click here to check your voter registration status. Here is a sample letter you can send to your tenants [excerpts below]. We are big believers in supporting our local schools.

Furnace Inspection > Furnace Problem

Mother Nature is starting to chill and winter is not far away. If you haven't already, you're likely to turn on your furnace very soon. Before you fire up your furnace at home and in your rentals think about a preventative maintenance check and filter change for your HVAC mechanicals. We recommend furnace inspections be done each Fall and Spring, prior to the heavy use seasons. These inspections are inexpensive and can be worth their weight in gold should they save you from a major HVAC problem. Besides the obvious benefits of preventative maintenance, these bi-annual inspections also help increase the lifespan of your major mechanicals. Don't hesitate to contact Campus Handyman for any help with your HVAC systems.

Help Make Our Neighborhoods Safer

We received the email below from one of our clients and we couldn't be happier to do as much as possible to help increase the resources used to fight crime around Ohio State.

Please reach out to the local police departments and voice your concern. You can quickly & easily contact them via email, Facebook, Twitter, or a phone call.

Dear Campus Handyman:

The reports that there have recently been multiple break-ins and serious armed robberies around the Ohio State campus are disturbing.

We'd like your help in passing along contact information for both the OSU Police as well as the Columbus Division.