Tag Archives: maintenance

Free Preventive Inspections!

Did you know that as a subscribed client you are entitled to a Preventive Maintenance Inspection once per month at each of your rental units?! Your monthly subscription fee covers this inspection and we highly recommend that you schedule one at each unit at least every other month. Simply use the maintenance request form on our website to submit your request!


Hiring Experienced Apartment Maintenance Technicians

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Campus Handyman, the #1 landlord helper in Columbus, is excited to be growing along with our incredible city! Part of that growth includes the ability to offer quality jobs to skilled men and women who possess the qualities in our business philosophy and mission statement.

Qualified individuals will have experience in apartment maintenance and will provide references. In addition...

>You should present a polite and professional image (we'll provide uniforms!) >You should be able to work efficiently in a clean and economical manner. >You should have common sense. >You should be a team player who.

Serious Problems In The University District & How You Can Help!

We have previously informed you of the crime problem in the OSU and off-campus area and we thank those of you who have taken action. Hopefully you all realize that anyone who owns property in the area should want to do whatever they can to reduce crime, educate tenants and make general area improvements as these things benefit everyone involved! Below are some issues we have noticed along with thoughts on how we can improve. Please do not hesitate to contact us with ideas of your own. We greatly appreciate if you consider sharing this with your renters and as many area property owners you can!